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Stackable - Die Alternative Big Data Distributionen

Stackable - Die Alternative Big Data Distributionen Read more…

by Sönke Liebau on 14.04.2021

Cloudera stops offering free version

Summary of the changes Cloudera introduced Read more…

by Lars Francke on 12.07.2019

Apache Training (incubating)

Introducing Apache Training (incubating) Read more…

by Lars Francke on 21.02.2019

Apache Knox Parcel & CSD for Cloudera Manager

We've developed a Parcel & CSD for Apache Knox Read more…

by Lars Francke on 07.11.2018

Generate keystores for TLS with minimal effort

An Ansible playbook to generate a set of server and client keystores Read more…

by Sönke Liebau on 24.08.2018

FileNotFoundException: Permission denied - A chase through the OpenJDK, Python and Linux source

This blog post show you how we debugged and (finally!) solved a weird (to us) issue Read more…

by Lars Francke on 06.08.2018

OpenCore conference appearances in 2018 and other updates

Just a quick update on what we're up to this year Read more…

by Lars Francke on 11.06.2018

The cloud has a limit (Part II)

This is the story of how we got started on Azure Read more…

by Lars Francke on 11.06.2018

Getting started on Azure (Part I)

This is the story of how we got started on Azure Read more…

by Lars Francke on 27.05.2018

Classpath issues when using Spark's Hive integration

Introducing the sharedPrefixes option for Spark Hive integration Read more…

by Lars Francke on 22.03.2018